Formats for Download (Scholarship)
1. Scholarship Application for Bonafide Certificate (pdf)
Scholarships details
- Application Form, Inviting Application of RECT-78 Alumni Scholarship for B.Tech Second year, Last Date Extended February 20,2024

- Students Financial Support / Scholarships Circular 2022
- List of major Institute and Government Scholarships
- List of Major Scholarships availed by Students with external links
- Recipients of Institute and Government Scholarships for the year (2022-23), (2021-22), (2020-21)
- Scholarships Count (2021-22), (2020-21)
- List of major Alumni Scholarships
- Recipients of RECAL Scholarships for the year (2022), (2021), (2020), (2019), (2018), (2017)
Scholarships Circular (new)
Scholarship Tabular Statement
A. Scholarship Sanctioned by Tamil Nadu State Government for Tamil Nadu Students
B. Scholarship Sanctioned by Other State Governments for Students hailing from their States
C. Scholarship implemented by various state governments for Minority Students viz., Muslim, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist and Christians
D. Central Sector Scholarship Scheme of Top Class Education for SC students
(This scholarship scheme is implemented by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India)
E. Central Sector Scholarship Scheme of Top Class Education for ST students
(This scholarship scheme is implemented by Ministry of Tribal Affairs)
F. National Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities
(This scholarship scheme is implemented by Ministry of social justice and empowerment)
G. Scholarship Schemes implemented by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)
H. Scholarship Schemes implemented by Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)
I. JHARKHAND State Scholarship
last date 16th Januvary 2015.
Application Forms
Engineers India Limited (EIL) Scholarship to SC & ST students
Scheme & Application Form
Silver 72 Trust Scholarship (1972 Batch Alumni Scholarship)
This Scholarship is Instituted by 1972 batch of Alumni. NITT Students are awarded merit / need-based scholarship everyyear.
Silver 72 2018 Scholarship Application Form
Sri J. Ramakrishnan Memorial Scholarship
Application Form 2014
Ramabhadran Narayan Scholarship
Application Form 2014
Abundant Cauvery Delta Education Foundation (1980 Batch Alumni Scholarship)
Applications are invited form first to final year students of BTech / B Arch for scholarship from the Abundant Cauvery Delta Foundation (a Trust run by 1980 RECT Batch of Alumni). The applications and other details can be downloaded from the Web site at the following location
2017 Application Form, Circular
1. National Council Educational Research Training / New Delhi
2. Indian Oil Corporation Limited Scholarship
3. Bihar Minority Scholarship
4. Indian Council Cultural Relations
5. Central Sector scholarship for Top 10 SC Students / Ministry of Social Justice of Empowerment
6. Central Sector scholarship for Top 10 St Students. Ministry of Tribal Welfare.
7. Government of Karnataka SC/ST/OBC
8. Chattisgarh SC / ST / OBC
9. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
10. Rajasthan Scholarship
11. Jhankhand SC / ST / OBC
12. Arunachal Pradesh
13. Orissa SC / ST
14. Assam Merit Scholarship
15. North Eastern Council Scholarship
16. Andra Pradesh Merit Scholarship SC / ST / OBC
17. Himachal Pradesh Merit Scholarship
18. Madhya Pradesh Merit Scholarship
19. Merit Cum Means Based Minority Scholar (for all other state)
20. West Bengal Merit Scholarship
1. Backward / Most Backward classes scholarship
2. SC / ST Scholarship
3. National Merit Scholarship, Chennai
4. District Merit 1 – 3 Rank Holder (Tamil Nadu)
5. Anna Memorial Award
6. Student Aid Fund (NITT)
7. National Foundation of Teachers Welfare Award to Children of School Teachers.
8. Kulandaivel Nachammal Charities, Avinashi.
9. Chief Minister Award
10. Loan Scholarship for SC / ST Students.
Previous Scholarships Circular
For other Scholarship visit
Contact Details
Scholarship and Stipend Section
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015
Tamil Nadu, India
Telephone : +91 (431) 2503015 (Direct)
Fax : +91 (431) 2500133 (O/o the Director)
E-mail :
For other contacts, kindly refer this page.