B. Tech. / B. Arch.
Orientation Programme
The Orientation Programme for first-year B.Tech. and B.Arch. students is a pivotal initiative designed to ease the transition from school to college life, setting the stage for a successful academic journey. This program typically includes an introduction to the institution's ethos, academic expectations, and available resources. Students are familiarized with the curriculum, departmental facilities, and campus infrastructure. Additionally, sessions are organized on time management, study techniques, and the importance of extracurricular activities, fostering a well-rounded development. The program also provides a platform for students to interact with faculty, senior students, and peers, creating a sense of community and belonging from the outset. Through this holistic approach, the Orientation Programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate their first year with ease.
Admissions (Steps to follow)
- Verification of documents (Barn Hall) / as per the schedule
Waiting Hall (Parents) : A11 and A12
- Get an official seal with the verifying official in the Provisional Admission Letter (NIT-T MIS)
- Temporary id card (Affix the photograph and get an official seal)
- Face Recognition (in the Barn Hall (Green Room))
- Hostel Admission (Allotment) / Boys and Girls
- Third i (Octagon)
- Lotus Hall (II Floor) / Verification of documents
- Violet Hall (I Floor) / Hostel Allotment
- Hostels
Boys : Garnet A, B, Agate
Girls : Opal C
- Hostel_Fees_UG_First Year_2024-25 (PDF)
- Hostel Application Form (PDF)
- (Hostel Application Form; Undertaking by the Student (Rules and regulations for Hostel Residents); Undertaking by the Student (motorized two / three / four wheelers in hostel premises); Declaration by Parent / Guardian (Boys); Undertaking by the Student (Girls); Declaration by Parent / Guardian (Girls); Affidavit by the student; Affidavit by the parent)
- Waiting Hall (Parents) : Logos (LHC) / Opposite to Octagon
- After receiving your hostel allotment, please proceed to the designated hostel. The Warden, Resident Student Counselor, and Stewards will be available to assist you.
(Updated on 12-08-2024)
Admission Notices
Notice to Candidates Allocated Seats through JoSAA and CSAB Special Rounds
Verification of candidate data in the Institute's MIS system is currently underway, prioritized by the order of data submission. Provisional admission letters will be generated on August 11, following the announcement of CSAB Special Round 2 and the subsequent update of the data reporting module in CSAB. Candidates will be able to download their provisional admission letters from the MIS on August 11 after this update is complete. A copy of the provisional admission letter will be kept in the candidate's file at the verification counter for collection during physical reporting. Candidates can collect their provisional admission letters during physical reporting.
(Updated on 09-08-2024)
- Registration link for candidates allotted through DASA 2024 will be enabled tomorrow 10:00 Hrs
(Updated on 24-07-2024)
1. Joint Entrance Examination (Main)
The Ministry of Education [erstwhile Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD)], Government of India (GOI) has established National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent autonomous and self-sustained premier testing organization under Society Registration Act 1860 for conducting efficient, transparent and international standards tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher education institutions.
The Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Main) to the NTA from 2019 onwards.
Admission criteria to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs, other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTI), Institutions funded by participating State Governments, and other Institutions shall include the performance in the class 12/equivalent qualifying Examination and in the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main). The (B. E. /B. Tech.) of JEE (Main) will also be an eligibility test for the JEE (Advanced), which the candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programs offered by the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs).
For further details, please visit: https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/
2. Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA)
The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) has been set up by the Ministry of Education [erstwhile Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD)] to manage and regulate the joint seat allocation to 114 institutes for the academic year 2021-22. This includes 23 IITs, 31 NITs, IIEST Shibpur, 26 IIITs, and 33 Other technical institutes funded fully or partially by central or state governments (other Government Funded Technical Institutes or other-GFTIS). Admission to all the academic programs offered by these Institutes will be made through a single platform.
Qualifying Examination |
Admitting Institutes |
JEE (Advanced) |
IITs |
JEE (Main) / B.E./ B.Tech. |
NITs, IIEST, IIITs (Triple-I-Ts) and Other-GFTIs |
JEE (Main) / B.Arch. |
JEE (Main) / B.Planning |
JoSAA_CSAB_2024 Opening and Closing ranks (2024) , Opening and Closing Ranks_2024_JoSAA site
BUSINESS RULES for JOINT SEAT ALLOCATION for the ACADEMIC PROGRAMS offered by the IITs, NITs, IIEST, IIITs and Other-GFTIs for the academic year 2024-25
Schedule of events of JoSAA-2024
Guidelines for the purpose of assessing the extent of specified disability in a person included under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016)
For Further Details, Please visit: https://josaa.nic.in/
3. Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB)
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India took a policy decision in 2002 to conduct an All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) annually, doing away with many of the large number of entrance examinations that were being conducted till then by various institutes in the country for admission to undergraduate degree programmes in the disciplines of Engineering/Technology and Architecture/Planning. This initiative has been widely accepted and appreciated.
A Central Counselling Board (CCB) constituted by the Govt. of India coordinated admissions to UG degree programmes in engineering, technology and architecture in respect of selected institutes till 2012. From 2013 onwards, CCB and AIEEE have been renamed as Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) and JEE (Main) respectively.
CSAB Special round Schedule 2024
Special Round Information Brochure 2024
Opening and Closing Ranks_2024_CSAB site
For Further Details, Please visit: https://csab.nic.in/
4. Direct Admission of Students Abroad (DASA)
Direct Admission of Students Abroad (DASA) is for admission to Undergraduate courses of Engineering and Architecture programs in premium institutions like NIT’s, IIIT’s, SPA’s, and CFTI’s (Centrally Funded & Premier Technical Institutes). The admission is based on the valid JEE (Main)rank and the Applicant should have completed successfully Mathematics, Physics and one of the subjects from (Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Biology) in 11th AND / OR 12th, as applicable in the respective boards. This Scheme is an initiative by the Ministry of Education [erstwhile Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD)], Government of India for the candidates like Foreign Nationals / Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) / Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI).
DASA_2024 Opening and Closing Rank (2024)
Opening and Closing Ranks 2024_DASA Site: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, Round 4
Information Brochure
Schedule of DASA 2024
For further details, please visit: https://dasanit.org/dasa2024/
5. ICCR Scholarship
India is known as education hub attracting international students from all over the world. Indian’s diversity and vibrant history tender a broad range of options for students. With access both to such rich and divert as well as a rapidly growing country on the cutting edge of the technological revolution, studying in India has much to offer, whether an applicant interests Engineering, Computers, Philosophy, Politics or in Classics etc.
Indian Council for Cultural Relations with a mandate of administering scholarship programmes of Government of India annually awards about 3940 scholarship under 26 different schemes to foreign students from about 140 counties. Amongst these 23 schemes, six are funded by ICCR from its’ own grant and others are administered on behalf of MEA and Ministry of Ayush. The courses offered for studies are for under-graduation, post-graduation and M. Phil /PhD levels. In every academic year ICCR holds about 6000 + foreign students who are studying at various Central/States University, Institutes, NITs and Agricultural Institutions etc.
For further details, please visit: https://www.iccr.gov.in/
For further details, please visit: https://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/
6. Study in India
The Study in India program has designed a framework to award scholarships and tuition fee waivers for meritorious students applying to the program. The Study in India team has collaborated with the Indian government wings - MHRD, MEA, and MIC, to draw out this scheme. The program offers scholarships called the Study in India Scholarships on an annual basis, while its partner institutes provide tuition fee waivers.
The Study in India Scholarship scheme covers the admission fees, tuition fees, accommodation (room and boring) costs, and food costs. Any costs and expenses outside the above mentioned are not considered under this scheme. The scheme is further divided into two sub-schemes, based on a merit list and the Ind-SAT examination. A set of scholarships are offered based on a merit-list, which is evaluated and verified by the Study in India team during the document verification process. The team also reviews and awards scholarships to exemplary students who appear for the online-proctored, 90-minute Ind-SAT examination conducted by the Study in India team and the National Testing Agency.
For further details, please visit: https://www.studyinindia.gov.in/
B. Tech. Programmes (8 Semester)
B. Arch. Programmes (10 Semester)
Central facilities and Centres
Virtual tour of NIT-T
Opening and closing ranks
JoSAA_CSAB_2024 Opening and Closing ranks (2024) , Opening and Closing Ranks_2024_JoSAA site , Opening and Closing Ranks_2024_CSAB site
JoSAA 2023 Opening and closing ranks (2023) , Opening and Closing Ranks_2023_JoSAA site
JoSAA 2022 Opening and closing ranks (2022) , Opening and Closing Ranks_Previous Years_JoSAA site
JoSAA 2021 Opening and closing ranks (2021)
JoSAA 2020 Opening and closing ranks (2020)
JoSAA 2019 Opening and closing ranks (2019)
JoSAA 2018 Opening and closing ranks (2018)
JoSAA 2017 Opening and closing ranks (2017)
JoSAA 2016 Opening and closing ranks (2016)
JoSAA 2015 Opening and closing ranks (2015)
CSAB 2014 Opening and Closing ranks (2014)
CSAB 2013 Opening and closing ranks (2013)
AIEEE 2012 B.Tech. & B.Arch (2012)
AIEEE 2011 B.Tech. & B.Arch (2011)
AIEEE 2010 B.Tech. (2010), B.Arch. (2010)
Fee Structure
- B. Tech. Institute Fee Structure for 2024-25 Admission
- B. Arch. Institute Fee Structure for 2024-25 Admission
Curriculum & Syllabus
Curriculum & Syllabus (I year / B.Tech.)
Curriculum & Syllabus (B.Arch.)
Department wise Curriculum & Syllabus
Student Conduct and Disciplinary Code
Student Conduct and Disciplinary
Other Links
- National Commission for Backward Classes (http://www.ncbc.nic.in/)
- Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (http://socialjustice.nic.in/)
- Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India (https://tribal.nic.in/)
- Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (http://disabilityaffairs.gov.in/)
UG Admissions Committee
Dr. S.T. Ramesh, Dean (Academic) - Chairperson (Centralized Admission Committee)
- Dr. S. Vinodh, Chairperson / Professor, Production Engineering
- Dr. R K Kavitha, Member / Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Dr. Aneesh Mathew, Member / Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
- Dr. Bhukke Chandrababu Naik, Member / Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Dr. Sai Krishna Mothku, Member / Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
- Associate Dean (Academic) / UG-I, Ex-officio member
JoSAA / CSAB documents
Candidate Registration, Choice Filling & Choice Locking Module (PDF), (Video)
Contact Details
UG Admission Committee
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015
Phone: +91-431-2504040, 2503931 (During the admission schedule only)
E-Mail: ug@nitt.edu