International/National Conference Proceedings
- Shailesh Kumar and Marisamynathan S. (2024). “Developing aircraft trajectories and density maps on flight behaviour using data analysis techniques”. Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and energy (ICoFT MADE-24), Karaikal, NIT Puducherry, India.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi and Marisamynathan S. (2024). “An Investigation of Relationships Between Aberrant Driving Behaviors and Crash Risk Among Long-Haul Truck Drivers Traveling Across India: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach”. Proceedings of 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States of America.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi and Marisamynathan S. (2024). “Uncovering the Implicit Relationships Between Key Risk factors and Speeding Behavior Among Long-Haul Truck Drivers Circulating in India: Application of XGBoost and SHapley Additive exPlanations Technique”. Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi, Seenivasan Shalini, Vignesh Kannan, and Marisamynathan S. (2024). “Development of Vehicle Conflict Prediction Model Using Surrogate Safety Measures”. Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
- Vinoth Kumar and Marisamynathan S. (2023). “Development of Perceived Level of Service model at Toll Plazas using Ordered Probit and Fuzzy Logic Approaches”. Proceedings of 7th CTRG, Surat, India.
- Vasantha Kumar R and Marisamynathan S. (2023). “Examining the Effects of Lifestyles, Attitude, and Behavior on Mode Choice Decisions: An Integrated Latent Class and Latent Variable Approach”. Proceedings of 7th CTRG, Surat, India.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi and Marisamynathan S. (2023). “Modelling fatigue driving among long-haul truck drivers in India: Research based on questionnaire investigation”. Proceedings of Second National Conference on Environmental Geotechnology and Sustainable Civil Engineering (NCEGSCE-23), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Tiwari Prince Anilkumar, Marisamynathan S. and Darshana Othayoth (2023). “Development of Mode Share Models for Visitors and Employees of Establishment in Chennai City”. Proceedings of Second National Conference on Environmental Geotechnology and Sustainable Civil Engineering (NCEGSCE-23), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Gangadhar Reddy M and Marisamynathan S. (2023). “Development of a capacity model for two-lane two-way hilly roads under mixed traffic conditions”. Proceedings of Second National Conference on Environmental Geotechnology and Sustainable Civil Engineering (NCEGSCE-23), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Lakhan Meghani and Marisamynathan S. (2023). “Development of E-Rickshaw quality of service model based on drivers' perception”. Proceedings of Second National Conference on Environmental Geotechnology and Sustainable Civil Engineering (NCEGSCE-23), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi and Marisamynathan S. (2023). “Prediction of Fatigue Driving among Long-Haul Truck Drivers using Tree-Based Machine Learning Algorithms”. Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 102 Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi and Marisamynathan S. (2023). “Identifying the Factors Affecting Truck Driver Behavior on a Road Safety Context: A Critical Systematic Review”. Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 102 Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi, Vignesh Khanna, and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Development of Vehicle Conflict Prediction Model Using Surrogate Safety Measures”. Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
- Manivel M and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “An SEM-ANN Approach for Analyzing Indian Road Users Electric Vehicle Charging Facility Adoption”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Muthu Krishnan and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Development of pedestrian safe crossing behaviour model at signalized intersections”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Vinothkumar and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Estimation of level of service at toll plaza using ordered probit model”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Lijeesh L. G and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Development of Speed Prediction Models for Four Lane Divided Highways and Evaluation of Design Consistency”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Balamurugan Shandhana Rashmi and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Towards a greater understanding of distracted driving related to cell phone among truck drivers”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Mathew Sebi Joji and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Analysis of Spatiotemporal effect and development of demand model on bike-sharing system for Kochi city”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Marimuthu Venkadavarahan and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Impact Assessment of Urban Freight Trip Activity during COVID-19 Outbreak for Various Industrial Sectors in Indian Condition”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Sasikumar G and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “A policy framework study to transform the conventional vehicle group to electric vehicle”. Proceedings of 13th International Virtual Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI), Trichy, India.
- Manivel M and Marisamynathan S. (2022). “Users Mode Shift Behavior and Policy Analysis to Improve Electric-Bike use in India”. Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 101 Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Venkadavarahan M and Marisamynathan S. (2021). “Investigating Sustainable Urban Freight Policies for Indian Conditions”. Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transport, Delft, Netherlands.
- Venkadavarahan M and Marisamynathan S. (2021). “Development of Freight Trip Generation Model using Spatial Economic Techniques”. Proceedings of 6th CTRG, India
- Manivel M, Marisamynathan S, and Preetha Nair (2021). “Investigating the Barriers for Electric Vehicle Adoption Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach”. Proceedings of 8th CTSEM, India
- Manivel M, Marisamynathan S, and Shrey Maradiya (2021). “Investigating the Significant Factors to Adopt Home-Based Charging Facility for Individual Householders”. Proceedings of 8th CTSEM, India
- Manivel M, Marisamynathan S, and Tejas Panjwani (2021). “Investigating the Influencing Factors to Adopt Public Electric Vehicle Charging Facility at Existing Fueling Station: A Study Based On Users Perceptive”. Proceedings of 8th CTSEM, India
- Venkadavarahan M and Marisamynathan S. (2021). “An Overview of Urban Freight Demand and Prioritization of Policies from Expert’s Opinion”. Proceedings of 8th CTSEM, India
- Venkadavarahan M and Marisamynathan S (2021). “Modeling Urban Freight Trip Generation for Pure Receiver Establishment”. 20th and 21st Joint COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP), ASCE Proceedings, China.
- Manivel M and Marisamynathan S. (2021). “A Systematic Modeling Approach for Estimation of Mode Shift Behavior and Policy Analysis to Encourage E-Bike Use in India”. Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Manivel M and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “The Factors Affecting Indian Road User Preferences for Adopting the Electric Two-wheeler”. Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
- Venkadavarahan M and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Estimation of Weekly freight trips generation in Central Business District of the city – A case study of Tiruchirappalli”. Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
- Venkadavarahan M and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Urban Freight Temporal Travel Pattern for the Indian Condition”. Proceedings of 7th CTSEM Conference, India
- Venkadavarahan M and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Investigating the supply chain variables for urban freight”. Proceedings of the National Virtual Conference on Sustainable Construction Technologies and Advancements in Civil Engineering (ScTACE), 9-10 October 2020, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Manivel M and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Indian Road User Preferences in Adopting Electric Two-Wheeler: A Policy Framework Study”. Proceedings of the National Virtual Conference on Sustainable Construction Technologies and Advancements in Civil Engineering (ScTACE), 9-10 October 2020, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Chitrala Vijay Kumar and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Transportation System; Recommendation of sustainable policies”. Proceedings of the National Virtual Conference on Sustainable Construction Technologies and Advancements in Civil Engineering (ScTACE), 9-10 October 2020, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Vikrant Bist and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Development of Accident Prediction Model for Three Legged Unsignalized Urban Intersections”. Proceedings of the National Web Conference on Structural, Architectural, Building and Automation in Sustainable Engineering (SABASE), PP. 170-176, 3-4 June, Coimbatore, India.
- Punit Kumar and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Development of gas emission models for petrol – powered two-wheeler usage in India: A case study of Delhi City”. Proceedings of the National Web Conference on Structural, Architectural, Building and Automation in Sustainable Engineering (SABASE), PP. 125-134, 3-4 June, Coimbatore, India.
- M. Keerthi Kiran and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Study on Risky Behaviour of Two-Wheeler Rider using Simulator”. Proceedings of the National Web Conference on Structural, Architectural, Building and Automation in Sustainable Engineering (SABASE), PP. 85-92, 3-4 June, Coimbatore, India.
- Lijessh L. G and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Development of Speed Prediction Models for Evaluating Sustainable Road Safety System”. Proceedings of the National Web Conference on Structural, Architectural, Building and Automation in Sustainable Engineering (SABASE), PP. 77-84, 3-4 June, Coimbatore, India.
- A. Vigneshkannan and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Development of vehicle conflict prediction model using surrogate safety measures”. Proceedings of the National Web Conference on Structural, Architectural, Building and Automation in Sustainable Engineering (SABASE), PP. 23-32, 3-4 June, Coimbatore, India.
- Akshara S and Marisamynathan S. (2020). “Achieving Sustainable Transportation System by Reducing Congestion for Urban Cities in India”. Proceedings of the National Web Conference on Structural, Architectural, Building and Automation in Sustainable Engineering (SABASE), PP. 6-14, 3-4 June, Coimbatore, India.
- Marisamynathan S, Celestin Thivya Raj and Venkadavarahan M. (2019). “Modelling Commercial Vehicle Tour Frequency for Urban Areas”. Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP), ASCE, 4648-4658.
- Marisamynathan S, Vedagiri P and Shivam Gupta (2019). “Modelling Helmet Usage Behaviour of Motorized Two-Wheeler Riders in Developing Countries”. Proceedings on World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), 26-31 May, Mumbai, India.
- Celestin Thivya Raj and Marisamynathan S. (2018). “Freight Transport Modeling Efforts: Trends and Challenges – A Review”. Transportation Research Efforts for Ecological Sustainability (TREES), Hyderabad, India.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2018). “A Methodology to evaluate pedestrian perceptions based safety level at signalized intersections in developing countries”. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2017). “Analysis of pedestrian spatial and temporal noncompliance ehaviour at signalized intersections in India”. CODATU XVII Conference and UMI, Hyderabad, India on November 4-6.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2017). “Application of fuzzy regression methodology in transportation engineering”. International Conference on Advances in Highway Engineering and Transportation Systems, Negombo, Sri Lanka.
- Marisamynathan S, Vedagiri P and Shivam Gupta. (2017). “Development of logit model for estimating helmet usage in developing countries”. International Conference on Advances in Highway Engineering and Transportation Systems, Negombo, Sri Lanka.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2017). “Modelling pedestrian level of service at signalized intersection under mixed traffic conditions”. Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2016). “Estimation of Pedestrian Safety Index Value at Signalized Intersections”. Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2016). “Are signalized intersections with crosswalks safer in India? A study based on safety analysis using video data”. Proceedings of 9th Urban Mobility India Conference and Expo, Gujarat, India.
- Marisamynathan S, Vedagiri P and Shivam Gupta. (2016). “Prevalence and Correlates of Drink-Driving with Traffic Safety in India”. Proceedings of 32nd National Convention of Civil Engineers, Goa, India.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2016). “PLOS model at signalized intersections by using fuzzy approach”. 13th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), Shanghai, China.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2015). “Analysis on pedestrian crossing behaviour at signalized intersections”. Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2015). “Modelling pedestrian delay at signalized intersections in developing cities”. Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2014). “Study on Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour at Signalized Intersections”. Proceedings of CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems, ASCE, 2641–2652.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2014). “Modelling Pedestrian Delay at Signalized Intersections under Mixed Traffic Conditions”. Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting CD ROM, Washington DC.
- Marisamynathan S and Vedagiri P. (2013). “Modelling Pedestrian Delay at Signalized Intersection Crosswalks under Mixed Traffic Condition”. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 104, 708–717.
- Lakshmi S., Marisamynathan S and Thamothara Ramakrishnan (2012). “Pedestrian flow characteristics”. Proceedings of 10th International Conference of Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
- Marisamynathan S and Lakshmi S. (2012). “Design of intersection using MX ROAD”. Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Trends in Civil Engineering (NCATCE-2012), Coimbatore, India.