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- Brief Historical development of Soil Engineering - Soil Problems in Engineering - Origin and general types of soils - soil structure, clay minerals.
- Weight - volume relationship - Identification and Classification of soil. Soil water - capillary phenomena - concept of effective and neutral stresses - Permeability - determination of coefficient of permeability in the laboratory - Seepage flow - Head, gradient, pressure - steady state flow - two dimensional - flow net.
- Vertical stress distribution in soil - Boussinesq and Westergaard's equation - Newmark's influence chart - principle, construction and use - Equivalent point load and other approximate methods - pressure bulb.
- Compaction Shear strength - Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion - shear strength tests - Different drainage conditions - Shear properties of cohesionless and cohesive soils - Use of Mohr’s circle - relationship between principal stresses and shear parameters.
- Compressibility and consolidation - Terzaghi's one dimensional consolidation theory - pressure void ratio relationship - pre-consolidation pressure - Total settlement and time rate of settlement - coefficient of consolidation - curve fitting methods - Correction for construction time.
- Gopal Ranjan and Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, Wiley Eastern Pub,1985.
- Murthy, V.N.S., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Dhanpat Raj, Edn.4, 1993.
- Punmia, B.C. Soil Mechanics and Foundation, Std. Book House, 1991.