Distinguished Alumni

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No   Name Year of Passing Higher Qualification Designation About Awards
1 Mr. Rajan Raghavan 1978 MS from Clarkson University and MBA from Syracuse University   Principal at Nokina Networks, Evangelist & Advisor at Watch360 He started 5 companies in the high-technology space. He earlier worked as VP marketing at Xambala; Founder & CEO at Realchip communications and Vice president at Phoenix Technologies, Ltd.He created the industries first integrated voice over IP chip. He started the company “Virtual Chips”  &  presently named as “Insilicon”.  
2 Dr. Baba C. Vemuri 1979 MS and Ph.D. from University of Texas, Austin Professor & Director of Center for Vision, University of Florida Research foundation, Dept of computer &Information science, and Electrical Engg, University of Florida at Gainsville He is Visiting Faculty, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY and Visiting Research Scientist, The German Aerospace Research Institute, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. IEEE Fellow and Outstanding Service as an Associate Editor of IEEE TPAMI. He has guided Projects worth $50 Million. Won University of Florida SPP award & Research foundation professorship. Received NSF Research Initiation Award & Whitaker Foundation Award.
3 Dr. Krishna V Palem 1979 MS and Ph.D. Univ of Texas Austin Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rice University; Director, VISEN center He was earlier Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology; Associate Professor at New York university; Chief Technology Officer of Proceler Inc. He is Fellow of ACM & Fellow of IEEE. He has been Editor of many International Journals.  He has Research grants wroth $6.8 Million. He got a Teaching Excellence award; External recognition Award from IBM Research division apart from Hewlett Packard research award and Panasonic research award.
4 Dr. Ramesh R Rao 1980 MS and Ph.D. from University of Maryland He is Director, California Institute for Telecom & IT, San Diego. He has also worked in various faculty positions at UCSD, ECE Dept. He is also Board of Directors- San Diego software industry council. . He has served on a US Government panel to review the current status of research, development, and applications in wireless communications in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe. He has authored over 100 technical papers, contributed two book chapters and delivered invited talks and plenary lectures. He served as the Publications Editor, Web Editor, Newsletter Editor and Board of Governors’ at IEEE.  
5 Dr Gurumurthy Kalyanaram 1978 MBA from the University of Texas and Ph.D from Sloan School of management. He is the CEO and President of GK Associates. He is the member of prestigious boards in MIT, USA. He is a consultant to AT and T, American Airlines, General Foods, Sega Texas Instruments.He was a recipient of Harold Lobdell Jr. Award from MIT. He was a recipient of Harold Lobdell Jr. Award from MIT.
6 Shri P.Swaminathan 1971 MBA He is an Outstanding Scientist and Director, EIG, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam. He has published a book on Basics of Nuclear science and engineering. He has published several technical papers in journals and conferences. He has built India's first fault tolerant safety critical real time computer for supervising and controlling Fast Breeder Nuclear reactor.  
7 Shri Shyam Chetty 1976 M Tech degree from IIT Khargpur He is a Senior Scientist and Head of Control Group for FMCD, NAL, Bangalore He has developed systems for combat flights. He was responsible for the successful design, development and flight testing of the fly-by- wire-flight control system. He has won many State and National level Awards
8 Dr. B.Shekar 1974 M Tech degree from IIT Delhi and Ph D from IISc Bangalore. He is a professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB). He has made research contributions in Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making. He has studied creative patterns in music and visual arts, and presented them in various forums. At IIMB, he has pioneered the design and instruction of courses on Creativity and Thinking.  
9 Dr.S.K.Ramesh 1981 Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University He is working as Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science California State University, Northridge.   He has received many awards for academic excellences and a special community service award for leadership in developing teachers to promote engineering education.
10 Shri R. Fredrick 1981 MS from North Carolina University and MBA from National University USA. He is a Principal, St. Patrick Matriculation Hr. Sc. School Pondicherry.   He has won "Individual Achievement Award" for the fastest design time from specification to production Managed the Design of High End 486 Microprocessor for Folsom California. He has received "Excellence Award" for enhancing computer literacy in school education from President of India.  
11 Shri K.Subramaniam 1971   He is the Managing Director, Masibus, Gujarat His company has received second best productivity award for the year 1998-1999 in the category of SSI from National Productivity Council of India and second prize for Excellence in Electronics year 2000-2001 by Government of India. He has received AMA-Zydus Cadila Award for Marketing Man of the Year 2001.
12 Shri S. Janakiraman 1978 M Tech from IIT Madras He is the President and CEO, R&D Services of Mind Tree Consulting Ltd. He has built R and D Services units for IT equipment sectors. He was the chief executive of R and D division of WIPRO Systems. He is the Vice Chair person of the India Semiconductor Association  
13 Shri Sampath Sreevats 1981   He is a President and CEO at Mercora He was the Founder and Served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Mcafee.com He holds many patents in delivering security-as-a-service and contextual internet advertising.



14 Dr. John Mathews 1980 M.S. Electrical & Computer Engg.  Ph.D. at University of Iowa, USA Professor in Department of Electrical Engg., University of Utah USA He currently serves on the editorial board of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing  
15 Dr. Venkatachalam KL 1981 M.D. at University of South California, School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA    He performs clinical work as a doctor for 80 % of his time working with cardio vascular patients while continuing his research to innovate new remedies for mankind.He has contributed chapters in 3 books.  He got President’s achievement award for significant contributions to research and technology.
16 Dr. Nambirajan Seshadri 1982 MS and PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA  Vice-President & CTO, Broadcom Corporation California, USA He is Fellow of IEEE and received 53 US Patents. He is Co-inventor of Space-Time Codes, a fundamental coding and transmission technique used in all the major wireless standards. He held position as Head of Communications Research Department, AT&T Bell Labs, USA.   
17 Dr. Praveen Vishakantaiah 1987 M.S., PhD, University of Texas, Austin  President, Intel India  President, Intel India, Board of IIIT, Bangalore, Director, Digital Enterprise Group Recipient, Intel Innovator Award
18 Dr Henry Mohan 1977 M.Tech (Advanced Electronics)
from IIT Madras
MBA from National University of
Sr. Director, Motorola, Chennai  R&D Engineer, BEL, Bangalore, Unit Manager, Chip factory, Motorola, Singapore, Director, Motorola, Shanghai, China CEO Award for Six Sigma, Singapore Quality Award, Siemens Award for academic excellence at – IIT-M.
17 K Muralidharan 1977 MS Computer Science, Southern
Illinois University, USA 
 Intel, Sybase. Founded Sankara eye Foundation, USA SEF’s ‘Gift of Vision’ community eye care program employs a unique
outreach model that travel to village, brings patients to SEF, performs
necessary treatment and returns patients back to their village. Entire
program is totally free to the rural poor.
18 Balu Narasimhan Manohar 1977 M.E., Computer Science MD & CEO – Stempeutics Research, Bangalore Presently, MD & CEO – Stempeutics Research, Bangalore – a biotech Co. developing innovative stem cell drugs – India’s hottest startup – Business Today. Established strategic alliance with major pharma Cipla and raised more than Rs 50 Crores. First company in the world to be granted a US process patent for a stem cell drug based on pooling technology. Bio Excellence Award as THE EMERGING COMPANY OF THE YEAR 2011& 2013 for outstanding contribution to BioPharma & Healthcare Sector by the Government of Karnataka, India. Received the award from Nobel Laureate Sir John Bertrand Gurdon. GEMS Management award – 1993, GEMS Asia Service Award for Highest Growth – 1998
19 Dr. Sridhar Mahadevan 1981 B. E. (Electronics and
20 Shri. Nagraj Murthy 1981 B. E. (Electronics and
21 Shri. A. Vijayarajan 1976 B. E. (Electronics and
22 Dr. Kumar Balachandran 1986 B.E. Hons. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) EXPERT (WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS)
Ericsson Inc., USA.
23 Dr. Raghupathy Venkat Giridhar 1980 B.E. Hons. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)  VICE PRESIDENT (NON – VOLATILE MEMORY SOLUTIONS GROUP )
INTEL Corporation, USA.
24 Dr. Rajamanohar R 1980 B.E. (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
BHEL Tiruchirappalli.