Metal Quenching Research Laboratory
Metal Quenching Research Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Dr.-Ing. Ashok Kumar Nallathambi

Equipment List / Details:
- Infrared Therocam VarioCam HD Head 700 - Measurement upto 900 degC - 60Hz, 640x480 Resolution - To measure the time and space dependent temperature profile
Variable Speed Pump (Grundfos) - Max flow rate 3 cu.meter per hour, 52m head - To supply water at high pressure & constant flow rate
Moving Mold Mechanism – LES 4 Linear drive ( ISEL GmbH) - 0.1 mm accurate positioning, max speed 90 mm/s, 900 mm travel distance - To move the water mold at required speed
Electromagnetic Flowmeter (FLOWTECH) - 5-50 Liter/min, 25 bar, 15 mm diameter - To measure water flow rate

Experimental observation of AA7075 plate: (a) IR image, (b) and (c) Quench crack
List of experiments:
- Measurement of temperature profile during quenching
- Rewetting effect on solid and semi-solid plates
- Observation of Water Ejection and propagation of wetting front effects
- Observation of Crack initiation and propagation