Ceramic Materials
Ceramics as a class of engineering materials, overview of properties; classification of ceramics; ceramic raw materials and their characteristics, production of ceramic powders, ceramics processing, Introduction to glazes and enamels.
Ionic and covalent bonding, variations in properties as a function of bonding, crystalline and non crystalline ceramics, concept of co-ordination number, ratio of ionic radii and corresponding crystal structures, oxides and silicates, polymorphism.
Defects in crystalline ceramics. Non-stoichiometry, significance of defects with respect to applications; Glasses: types, structure, bridging and non-bridging oxygen, significance of oxygen to silicon ratio, commercial oxide glasses, devetrification.
Electrical, magnetic and optical properties of important ceramic systems, correlation of properties with structure; Mechanical properties and testing. Introduction to bio-ceramics and bio-glass.
Classification of refractories, characteristics of refractories. Production of refractories, properties and applications of various refractories.
1. Kingery W. D., Bowen, H. K., Ulhmen D. R., ‘Introduction to Ceramics’, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1976
2. Van Vlack L. H., ‘Physical Ceramics for Engineers’, Addison Wesly, 1964
1. Richerson D. W., ‘Modern Ceramic Engineering - Properties Processing and Use in Design’, Marcel Deckker, 1982
2. Norton F. H., ‘ Elements of Ceramics’ 2nd Edition., Addison Wesley, 1974