Classification of welding processes: heat sources, power sources, arc phenomena, arc blow, power source characteristics, V-I, relationship, flux covering, different types of electrodes and their applications, gas welding and cutting, flame characteristics
Gas tungsten arc welding, electrode polarity, shielding gas, use of pulsed arc and GTA spot welding; gas metal arc welding, nature and conditions of spray transfer, dip transfer and CO2 welding, flux cored and pulsed and synergic MIG welding
Submerged arc welding, advantages and limitations, process variables and their effects, significance of flux-metal combination, modern developments, narrow gap submerged arc welding, applications
Special features of plasma-arc, transferred and non- transferred arc, keyhole and puddle-in mode of operation, low current and high current plasma arc welding and their applications, plasma cutting, surfacing and applications
Principle of contact resistance, temperature distribution, spot welding cycle, inter-relationship between process variables; choice of electrode materials. spot, seam, projection, stud, upset and flash butt welding, electro slag and electro gas welding
1.Nadkarni S.V., ‘Modern Arc Welding Technology’, Oxford and IBH Publishing, 1996
2.Kearns W. H, ‘Welding Hand Book (Welding Processes)’, Volume II and III, 7th Edition, AWS, 1984
3.Parmer R. S., ‘Welding Engineering and Technology’, Khanna Publishers, 1997
4.Houldcroft P.T, ‘Submerged Arc Welding’, Abington, 1989
5.Lancaster J.F, ‘The Physics of Welding’, Pergamon Press, 1984