T.Selvaraj, “Vision System for Part Identification in Robotic Application”, National conference on CAD/CAM, Coimbatore, September, 1989.
T.Selvaraj, M.Sachithanandham, “Optimizing Robot Path through Graphical Simulation”, National Symposium on Optimization Techniques and Applications, Madurai, July, 1993. pp423-429.
T.Selvaraj, M.Sachithanandham, “Graphical Simulation of Articulated Dual Arm Robot”, Eighth National Convention of Production Engineers, Allahabad, July, 1993. pp A-13-19.
T.Selvaraj, M.Sachithanandham, “Computer Graphics Simulation System for Rhino XR – 3 Robot”, Tenth National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Hyderabad, November, 1994.
A.K.Mahendran, P.Rajamani, T.Selvaraj, M.Sachithanandham, “Manufacturing Automation through Reverse Engineering using Vision System”, National Seminar on Computer aided Inspection and Advanced Metrology, Madras, February, 1996.
K.Sudhagar, A. Noorul Haq, T.Selvaraj, R. Kalaivani, “System Architecture and Methodology to Develop Mobile Robots”, National Conference on MAPS, Tiruchirappalli, January, 2004. pp137-142.
K. Sudhagar, A. Noorul Haq, T.Selvaraj, R. Kalaivani, “Genetic Algorithm based Safe Path Planning of Autonomous Robot in Uncertain Environment” 21st AIMTDR Conference, Vellore, December, 2004. pp.929-935.
M.Dev Anand, T.Selvaraj, “Evolutionary Robotics” Proceedings of ORSI (Operational Research Society of India) 37th Convention, Vision 2020: The Strategic Role of Operational Research, Ahmadabad, January 2005. pp 195-208
M. Dev Anand and T.Selvaraj, Developing Evolutionary Robotics Using a Fuzzy Logic Approach, Proceedings of ORSI (Operational Research Society of India) 37th Convention, Vision 2020: The Strategic Role of Operational Research, , Ahmadabad, January 2005, pp 268-285.
M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj S. Kumanan and M. Austin Johnny, A FRIEND Functional Robot System with User Friendly for Assisting Handicapped People, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Application Computational Technologies (REACT), pp 27- 31, 5-6 April 2006, Sangrur, India
M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj S. Kumanan and N. Gunavathi, Tolerance Optimization of Robot Kinematic Parameters Using Taguchi Method, Proceedings of National Conference on Optimization Techniques in Engineering Sciences and Technologies (OPTEST), Paper Number 250, 11 – 12 April 2006, Sathyamangalam, India.
M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj S. Kumanan and M. Austin Johnny, Analytic Hierarchy Process for Selection of Robotics System, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechatronics Nanotechnology and Robotics(RTMNR), pp 274 - 279, April 15 -16 2006, NIT, Rourkela, India
M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj S. Kumanan and M. Austin Johnny, Fuzzy Logic Based Control of Stationary Robot Arm, Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Recourse (AMARA), pp 99 - 106, 21-22 April 2006, Dindigul, India
M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj, V. Mago Stalany, and T. G. Ansalam Raj, A GA-Based Search Method for the Tolerance Design of Robot Parameters, Proceedings of National Conference on Intelligent Control and Instrumentation (NCICI), pp 35 – 40, 9th June 2006, Nagercoil, India
- M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj, T. Ajith Bosco Raj, T. Jayasingh and T. Ajitha, The Fuzzy Logic Based Mobile Robot Navigation, Proceedings of National Conference on Intelligent Control and Instrumentation (NCICI), pp 27 - 34, 9th June 2006, Nagercoil, India