Chairman, Board of Governors, National Institute of Technology-Puducherry at Karaikal

Dr. Baldev Raj BE (Ravishankar Univ.) Ph.D.(IISc) FNAE, FASc., FNASc., HFICNDT, HFISNT, HFBINDT, FIIM,FUSI, FASI
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
Kalpakkam 603 102, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone (O) + 91 44 27480234, 27480240
Fax: + 91 44 27480060, 27480301
Areas of Specialisation
Science and Technology, Fast Breeder Reactor with Closed Fuel Cycle, Materials characterization, Testing and Evaluation using nondestructive evaluation methodologies, Materials development and performance assessment and technology management.
700 publications in leading national and international journals, 42 books and special volumes of journals (co-author:15 books/monographs & co-editor:27 books and special journal volumes. Delivered more than 314 honour, plenary, key note and invited lectures, 11 Indian Standards and 20 patents in the area of NDT, 12 articles in Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology, many international reviews and articles in encyclopedia.
Awards (Recent)
Platinum Medal Award of IIM (2010), INSA Prize for Materials Science, Indian National Science Academy (2010), Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru National Award in the field of Engineering & Technological Sciences, Department of Science & Technology, Government of Madhya Pradesh for the year 2007 (Awarded in 2010) 1st Dr. Homi J. Bhabha Centenary Year Award (2009), FICCI Award for the outstanding contributions to Science and Technology in the context of Industries and Society (2008), Prof. Jai Krishna Memorial Award (2008), Distinguished Alumni Award (2008) from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Padma Shri, Government of India (2007), National NDT Award for International Recognition from Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (2006), Stanley Ehrlich Gold Medal Lecture, Corrosion Awareness Award form NACE International India Section (2006)
Awards & Honours
Description |
Name of Institution |
Year |
Platinum Medal Award |
Indian Institute of Metals |
2010 |
INSA Prize for Materials Science |
Indian National Science Academy |
2010 |
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru National Award in the field of Engineering & Technological Sciences |
Dept. of Science & Technology, Government of Madhya Pradesh for the year 2007 |
2010 |
1st Dr. Homi J. Bhabha Centenary Year Award |
Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives, Nellore |
2009 |
FICCI Award for the outstanding contributions to Science and Technology in the context of Industries and Society. |
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) |
2008 |
Prof. Jai Krishna Memorial Award
Indian National Academy of Engg. |
2008 |
Distinguished Alumni Award for sustained excellence in Science and Technology |
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. |
2008 |
National Metallurgist Award (Research-Academy) |
Union Ministry of Steel and Indian Institute of Metals |
2007 |
Indian Science Monitor Award |
Indian Science Monitor Foundation |
2007 |
Padma Shri |
Govt. of India |
2007 |
National NDE Award for International Recognition |
Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing |
2006 |
1st Prof. A.K.Rao Memorial Lecture |
2006 |
Stanley Ehrlich Distinguished Lecture and Gold Medal, |
Acoustical Foundation for Education and Charitable Trust, India |
2006 |
Corrosion Awareness Award |
NZCE International India Section |
2006 |
Prof. P. Joga Rao Memorial Lecture, National Seminar on Aerospace Structure. |
Visvesvaraya National Institute, Nagpur |
2006 |
Prof. E.C. Subba Rao Distinguished Lecture |
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur |
2006 |
15th Nayuddamma Memorial Award |
2005 |
NOCL Award |
IICh.E |
2005 |
Indian Nuclear Society Award |
2004 |
Prof. Brahm Prakash Memorial Lecture |
Indian Institute of Metals, Kalpakkam |
2005 |
Prof. C.Y. Krishna Murty Memorial Lecture |
2005 |
Prof. R.V. Tamhankar Memorial Lecture |
Indian Institute of Metals |
2005 |
Dr. S. Bhagavantam Award for outstanding achievements and sustained leadership in Acoustics. |
Acoustical Society of India |
2003-04 |
Jaeger Lecture Award |
Intl. Inst. Welding |
2004 |
Life Time Achievement Award |
2004 |
MRSI-ICSC Superconductivity & Materials Science Annual Prize |
2004 |
Life Time Achievement Award of Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing |
2004 |
The First International Committee on NDT Research Award (Sokolov Award) (The best researcher internationally chosen among 40 countries) |
2000-04 |
Distinguished Scientist Award |
Jaya Engineering College |
2004 |
V S Jain Memorial Lecture |
ISNT, Thiruvanathapuram |
2003 |
Guest of Honour Lecture |
Nehru Centre, Mumbai |
2003 |
T L Rama Char Memorial Lecture |
Eletro chemical Soceity of India |
2002 |
KK Memorial Lecture |
Indian Institute of Metals - Baroda Chap. |
2002 |
Guest of Honour Lecture |
REC,Trichy |
2001 |
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Gold Medal |
Institution of Engineers, Calcutta |
2000 |
Prof Brahm Prakash Memorial Lecture Award |
Indian Institute of Metals |
2000 |
M S Narayan Memorial Lecture Award |
Acoustical Society,India |
1999 |
Guest of Honour Lecture |
CEMILAC, Bangalore |
1999 |
G D Birla Gold Medal |
Indian Institute of Metals |
1996 |
Best Paper - WCNDT |
1996 |
Grand Prize |
Indian Institute of Metals |
1995 |
VASVIK Research Award |
Materials Science & Technology |
1994 |
AEWG Gold Medal |
1994 |
Keith Hartley Memorial Medal |
Indian Institute of Welding |
1992 |
Sir C V Raman Award |
Acoustical Society of India |
1992 |
MRSI - Medal |
Materials Research Society of India |
1992 |
National Metallurgist's Day Award |
Ministry of Steel and Mines |
1986 |
NDT Man of the Year |
Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing |
1985 |
University First |
BE - Academic Award |
1969 |
Present Positions
Elected President, International Institute of Welding, which has a membership of fifty one countries (2010), Elected Fellow of ASM International, USA; Member, DAE Science Research Council; External Expert, Peer Review Committee for the Cluster -Chemical Sciences, Group I: Chemical Materials & Energy, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi (2010); Member, Governing Body of J&K State Council for Science & Technology (2010); Member, Research Council, Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar (2010); Member, Advisory Council, Great Lakes-Bauer Energy Executive MBA Programme (2010); Chairman, Research Advisory Board of PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore (2010); Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Bulletin of Materials Science; Vice President, Academia NDT International and Vice President (Academic, Professional & International Affairs) in the Indian National Academy of Engineering (2008-2011), Vice President, MRSI (2008-2011).
Membership Details
Membership of Academies and Societies
Fellow of Third World of Academy of Science
Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering
Fellow of Indian National Science Academy
Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
Fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad
Fellow of Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences
Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India)
Fellow of Indian Institute of Metals
Fellow of Acoustic Society of India
Fellow of Ultrasonic Society of India
Fellow of International Institute of Quality Assurance, UK
Honorary Member, International Committee on NDT (only 12 professionals in the world)
Honorary Member, Hellenic Society of NDT, Greece (only one in Asia)
Honorary Fellow, British Institute of NDT (only one from Asia)
Honorary Fellow, Indian Society of NDT (the youngest to get the honour)
Elected Fellow of ASM International, USA
President, International Committee on NDT (1992‑96)
President, 14th World Conference on NDT (December 1996, India)
Chairman, Policy & General Purpose Committee, ICNDT (1996‑2004)
Chairman, Metal Sciences Division and Vice President, IIM
Chairman, IIM Kalpakkam Chapter (1995-2001)
Chairman, Education Group, World Federation of NDE Centres (1998)
Member, Sectional Committee on Metallurgy, Mining and Materials Science of INAE (1998-2001)
Chairman, Services to Industry Committee of IIM (2001-2003)
Chairman Committee to make Heritage Film on 50 years of IIM
Co-chairman, Technical Committee, Golden Jubilee Celebrations of IIM
Member, Engineering Heritage Committee (Metallurgy) of INAE (1996-2003)
Chairman, Engineering Heritage Committee (Metallurgy) of INAE (2003- …)
Chairman, Indian Nuclear Society, Kalpakkam Branch (2004 - …)
President, NACE International Southern Region (2004 - …)
Foreign Secretary, Indian National Academy of Engineering (2005 - …)
Chairman, Working Group on Research & University Education, ICNDT
Founder Member, Board of Directors, World Federation of NDE Centres, USA
Past‑President, Acoustic Emission Working Group of India
Patron, Acoustic Emission Working Group of India
Past‑President, Indian Group of International Society of Stereology
Patron, Indian Group of International Society of Stereology
President, Metal Sciences, 82nd Session of Indian National Science Congress (1994)
President, Indian Society for Non‑Destructive Testing (1997)
Vice-President, Indian Institute of Welding (1994‑96)
President, Indian Institute of Welding (2001-2002)
Member, Asian Pacific Committee on NDT
Founder Member, Asia‑Pacific Academy of Materials
Member, MRSI Council ‑ Topic Chairman, Materials Characterisation (1998‑2001)
Past‑Chairman, Technical Committee comprising of 14 Commissions of Indian Institute of Welding (1990‑1997)
Chairman, International Technical Committee, International Welding Seminar ‑ 1996
Chairman, NDT Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards
President, Indian Institute of Metals (2005 ---)
Vice-President, Materials Research Society of India (2008-2011)
Vice President, Academia NDT International
Vice President (Academic, Professional & International Affairs) in the Indian National Academy of Engineering (2008-2011)
Vice President (Elected), Board of Directors of International Institute of Welding (2010)
Elected President, International Institute of Welding, which has a membership of fifty one countries
Chairman, Research Advisory Board of PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore (2010)
National and International Distinctions
Member, Committee on Centre for NDT, IIT Madras, Chennai, in collaboration with World Federation of NDE Centres and International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, UNESCO, Iowa State University, USA
Chairman, 40 years of NDT activities of IAEA (participants from 10 countries), 1996, IAEA, Vienna
Member, Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Energy (SAGNE), IAEA (2004 - …)
Co-Chairman, Consultants Meetings on Digital Radiography for Industrial Applications, IAEA, Vienna, July 1998
Guest of Honour and Plenary Speaker on the occasion of 60th Anniversary of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
Guest of Honour and Plenary Speaker on the occasion of 40th Anniversary of Russian Society of NDT
Member, Advisory Board, NDE Centre, University of Massachusetts, USA
Member, Advisory Board, Material Science & Technology, CSIR (1996-1999)
Member, Project Management Board, Component Integrity Evaluation, CSIR (1996-1999)
Member, Board on Structural Integrity and Life Management, NML, CSIR (1997-2001)
Member, Research Council, National Metallurgical Laboratory (1996-200 & 2004 - …); Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (2001-2003) and Central Electrochemical Research Institute (2001- …); International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) (2003- …)
Member, Divisional Scientific Committee on Structural Integrity, NAL, CSIR (1996- …)
Member, Programme Adivsory Committee on Metallurgy, Mining & Material Science of DST (1997-2000)
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Department of Culture and Science & Technology (2000- …)
Co-Chairman, National Certification Board, Indian Society for Nondestructive Testing (2002- ….)
Member, Steering Committee, Life Extension of Fighter Helicopters and Aircrafts, Indian Air Force (1990-…)
Member, Peer Review Committee, Fraunhofer Institute of NDT, Germany (2004)
Member, Scientific Advisory Council to Prime Minister (2005- …)
Member, Committee on Nanoscience & Technology Initiative, Department of Science & Technology
Chairman, Committee on Science & Technology of Department of Economic Affairs
Member, Committee on High Sensitivity Detection of Chemicals
Elected Member, German National Academy of Sciences (2008)
Member of the Governing Body, Sree Chithra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram (2009)
Member, Nanotechnology Advisory Board, DST, Government of South Africa
Chairman, India-Brazil-South Africa Initiative on Nano Science & Technology.
Member, Advisory Board of Summer School on Modeling, Experimentation & Validation (MeV), Idaho National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory & Idaho State University, 21-30 July 2009.
Member, Global Energy International Prize Committee for (2009-2013)
Member, Board of Advisors, “The Al Gore Sustainable Technology Venture Competition, India” (2009)
Invited Member - Committee for selecting the Australia India Science & Technology Research Award on Energy Generation in a Low Carbon Future instituted by Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in association with Australian Government's Australia India Council
Member (Elected) of the prestigious International Nuclear Energy Academy
Member, R&D Advisory Council of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. to enhance performance multifold based on science based technologies (2010)
Scientific Advisor to Proposal for Singapore Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering Research (SINSER), National University of Singapore
Chairman, NTPC Energy Technology Research Advisory Council, National Thermal Power Corporation of India Ltd.
Member, Governing Body of J&K State Council for Science & Technology (2010)
Member, Research Council, Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar (2010)
External Expert, Peer Review Committee for the Cluster – Chemical Sciences, Group I: Chemical
Materials & Energy, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi (2010)
Responsibilites in Department of Atomic Energy Committees
Member, Chairman’s Advisory Committee, DAE
Member, Board of Directors, Bharat Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (BHAVINI)
Member, Steering Committee on Nuclear Power Programme, DAE
Member, Steering Committee on Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Chairman, R&D Committee on Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Member Committee for Constitution of Homi Bhabha National Institute
Member, Board of Nuclear Fuel Complex
Vice-Chairman, Safety Review Committee for Operating Plants, AERB (2002-2004)
Member, Senior Selection Committee of Personnel
Member, Apex Exploration Research Advisory Committee of the Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research, Department of Atomic Energy
Member, DAE Science Research Council
Editorial Responsibilities
Member Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Science
Chief Editor, Golden Jubilee Commemorative Volume on Technology Development
Subject Editor in the area of NDT and Mechanical Testing, Encyclopedia of Materials: Science & Technology, Elsevier Science Publishers, UK
Advisor to the Chief Editor, Encyclopedia of Materials: Science & Technology, Elsevier Science Publishers, UK
Member, International Editorial Advisory Board, INSIGHT, European Journal of NDT
Principal Editor, Metal Sciences, Metal News
Chairman, Publications Committee, Transaction of Indian Institute of Metals & Metal News
Member, Editorial Board of Bulletin of Materials Science (1999- …)
Chief Editor, IGC Annual Report & IGC Newsletter (1982-2004)
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation, ISNT
Member, Editorial Board, MAPAN, Journal of Metrology Society of India
Member, Editorial Board of International Journal of COMADEM
Member, Editorial Board of Steel Technology
Member, Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management
Co-Chairman, Editorial and Scientific Committee of International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Bulletin of Materials Science
Trusts, Foundations & Educational Institutes
Hon. Secretary, Quality through Nondestructive Evaluation Science & Technology (QUNEST) Foundation (1994 - …)
Member, Trust for education of mentally challenged children at Kalpakkam (MEHATVA) (1998-2004)
Member, Swarna Jayanti Endowment Trust of Indian Institute of Metals (2002)
Member, National Association for Application of Radiation & Radioisotopes (NAARI) (2003 - …)
Member, Sundaram Venkataraman Trust for encouragement of science students and science & technology in Kalpakkam (2003 - …)
Chairman, Vidyalaya Management Committee of Kendriya Vidyalaya and Atomic Energy Central Schools at Kalpakkam (2004 - …)
Adjunct Professor of PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore and University Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (2008 - )
Distinguished Professor, Institute of Chemical Technology (Deemed University), Mumbai
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Honorary Consul General in Engineering Disciplines by Michigan State University, USA
Member, Scientific Advisory Council of School of Engineering Science & Technology (SEST), Central University of Hyderabad
Member, Advisory Committee for Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2009 (Engineering Sciences)
Invited Member, Dr. Yellapragada SubbaRow Award Committee (2010)
Member, Advisory Council, Great Lakes-Bauer Energy Executive MBA Programme (2010)
Papers in Journals / Encyclopedia / Handbooks / Referred Books
Failure Analysis
Review Papers
Refereed Books
Encyclopedia Articles
Books/Monographs Authored
Books / Special Issues of Journals Edited
Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journals/Encyclopedia
Other Contributions of Merit
Status Papers
International Benchmarks
IAEA's Perspective in India's Nuclear Programme
International Institute of Welding Documents
Popular Articles
Popular Books
Courses in Educational Institutes
Citations Index
Lectures on Invitation (Manuscripts in edited volumes)
Key note