Fiber Optic Communication
Pre-Requisite: EC205 and EC305
Contact Hours and Credits: ( 3 -0- 0 ) 3
To expose the students to the basics of signal propagation through optical fibers, fiber impairments, components and devices and system design.
Topics Covered:
Optical Fibers: Structure, Waveguiding. Step-index and graded index optical fibers. Modal analysis. Classification of modes. Single Mode Fibers.
Pulse dispersion. Material and waveguide dispersion. Polarization Mode Dispersion. Absorption, scattering and bending losses. Dispersion Shifted Fibers, Dispersion Compensating Fibers.
Optical Power Launching and Coupling. Lensing schemes for coupling improvement. Fiber-to-fiber joints. Splicing techniques. Optical fiber connectors.
Optical sources and detectors. Laser fundamentals. Semiconductor Laser basics. LEDs. PIN and Avalanche photodiodes.
Design considerations of fiber optic systems: Analog and digital modulation. Noise in detection process. Bit error rate. Optical receiver operation. Power Budget and Rise time Budget. WDM.
Course Outcomes:
Students are able to
CO1: Recognize and classify the structures of Optical fiber and types.
CO2: Discuss the channel impairments like losses and dispersion.
CO3: Analyze various coupling losses.
CO4: Classify the Optical sources and detectors and to discuss their principle.
CO5: Familiar with Design considerations of fiber optic systems.
CO6: To perform characteristics of optical fiber, sources and detectors, design as well as conduct experiments in software and hardware, analyze the results to provide valid conclusions.
Text Books:
G. Keiser, Optical Fiber Communications (4/e), TMH, 2008.
A. Ghatak & K. Thygarajan, Introduction to Fiber Optics, Cambridge, 1999.
Reference Books:
MMK. Liu, Principles and Applications of Optical Communications, TMH, 2010.
G.P. Agrawal, Fiber Optic Communication Systems, (3/e), Wiley, 2002.
J. Gowar, Optical Communication Systems, (2/e), PHI, 2001.