Computer Center
The Computer Lab was established in 2006 with the financial assistance partially from Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme of Government of India (TEQIP) and Institute funding. The objective is to prepare students for the recent trends in Industrial Simulation Software Tools to solve computing and optimization problems.
The following are the features of the computer center present in the department:
- Desktop (Server System) : 01
- Number of Laptops: 55
- High Speed Internet Connectivity
- Technical Software available in the Computer lab:
- MATLAB R2019a
- PSCAD v4.6.2
- ETAP v19
- MiPower v6.0
- Proteus v8.9
- MPLab v5.20
- LabView 2019
- Power World Simulatorv19
- PSim v11.1.5
- Dig SILENT Power Factory 2019 SP1
This Computer Lab is being extensively used by the Research scholars, M.Tech. and B.Tech. Project students in addition to the following regular laboratory courses.
- Power Systems Laboratory - V Semester B.Tech.
- Power Conversion Laboratory - I Semester M.Tech. (Power Systems)
Laboratory Advisor: Dr. P. Raja, Associate Professor.
Faculty In-Charge: Dr. Pinkymol K. P. , Assistant Professor.
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