Chemical Engineering
Vision of The Department
- To be a global leader in Chemical Engineering
Mission of The Department
- To produce competent graduates through effective Teaching-Learning, State of the art Research and Innovation.
- To foster community by providing leadership in solving societal problems for sustainable ecosystem.
- To serve organization and society as adaptable engineers, entrepreneurs or leaders.

Established in 1967, the Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli is regarded as one of the premier centers for Chemical Engineering in India by industries as well as academia. It has also the distinction of being ranked as one of the top seven Chemical Engineering divisions in India with a group of well qualified faculty, staffs and motivated students. The department’s vision is to be a global centre of academic and research excellence to serve the society.
Chemical Engineering department, NITT is recognized as one of the leading department offering B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering), M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering), M.Tech. (Process control and Instrumentation) in collaboration with ICE department, and Ph.D. programme. The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) has granted all PG and UG courses offered by the department, the A (+3) certification for 3 years. The curriculum is revised periodically to fulfill the current requirements and developments in the process industries and International & national research organizations.
The Department has built up good research, analytical, instrumentation and computational facilities through funding from the Ministry of Human Resources Development and research projects from Government Agencies and Industry. Our publications are featured in top journals with high impact factor. Core research specialization of the Department includes Energy (Alternate fuels, fuel cell technology, bio-energy), Environment (Biochemical and bioprocess separations, wastewater treatment, membrane technology, sonochemical processes, electrochemical operations), Process control (Linear and non-linear predictive control, modeling) and Advanced Materials (Particulates, functional materials). The Department is proud to share that our Alumni occupies prestigious positions across the globe. Our students actively participate in various interdisciplinary curricular, co-curricular activities and brought many laurels.
The Department has initiated interaction with Industry to set up pilot plant which is being equipped with the state of the art instrumentation to validate the design models and evaluate the process parameters. The department provides service through consultancy projects and continuing education courses in identified research areas.
Contact Address:
Head of the Department
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015, TamilNadu, INDIA
Phone: +91-431-2503100
Fax: +91-431-2500133