PG Section
Roles and responsibilities of PG section:
The "PG section" typically refers to the Postgraduate (PG) section within the academic office. The PG section is responsible for managing and overseeing postgraduate programs, which include master's degrees. The roles and responsibilities commonly associated with the PG section are:
Academic Program Management: Designing, developing, and updating postgraduate academic programs and curricula to meet the evolving needs of the field and industry; Ensuring that postgraduate programs align with accreditation standards and educational objectives.
Admissions and Enrolment: Managing the postgraduate admissions process, including setting admission criteria, processing applications, and making admission decisions; Overseeing student enrolment, registration, and class scheduling for postgraduate courses.
Student Advising and Support: Providing academic advising services to postgraduate students, assisting them in course selection, research topics, and academic planning; Offering support services to address the academic, personal, and research-related needs of postgraduate students.
Research Supervision: Overseeing the process of assigning research supervisors to postgraduate students; Facilitating and monitoring the progress of postgraduate research projects and theses.
Thesis/Dissertation Evaluation: Managing the evaluation process for postgraduate theses and dissertations, ensuring fair and rigorous assessment; Overseeing thesis defense procedures and examinations.
Quality Assurance and Assessment: Implementing and maintaining quality assurance measures to uphold high academic standards in postgraduate programs; Conducting assessments and evaluations of postgraduate programs to identify areas for improvement.
Faculty Coordination: Collaborating with faculty members to ensure effective course delivery, research supervision, and coordination within postgraduate programs; Overseeing faculty workload distribution, and professional development related to postgraduate education.
Policy Implementation: Implementing and enforcing academic policies and regulations specific to postgraduate programs; Communicating policies to students, faculty, and staff and ensuring compliance.
Records and Documentation: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of postgraduate students, including research progress, grades, and academic histories; Managing documentation related to program accreditation and compliance.
Communication and Outreach: Facilitating effective communication between the PG section, postgraduate students, faculty, and other administrative units; Engaging in outreach activities to promote postgraduate programs and attract prospective students.
Events and Activities: Organizing or supporting events, orientations, and activities aimed at enhancing the postgraduate student experience; Coordinating seminars, conferences, and workshops relevant to postgraduate research and academic development.
Continuous Improvement: Actively seeking feedback from postgraduate students and faculty to identify areas for improvement in the delivery of postgraduate programs; Implementing changes and enhancements to ensure the continuous improvement of the postgraduate educational experience.
In summary, the PG section plays a crucial role in overseeing all aspects of postgraduate education, from program development and admissions to research supervision and policy implementation. Its responsibilities are diverse, aiming to provide a comprehensive and quality educational and research experience for postgraduate students within the institution.
Proforma For Submitting Proposal for Introducing a New PG Programme
1.Proforma For Submitting Proposal for Introducing a New PG Programme (pdf)
Course Plan (PG)
Crafting a course plan requires careful consideration of the target audience's needs, prior knowledge, and learning styles. It involves aligning learning objectives with appropriate instructional methods and assessment strategies to ensure effective knowledge transfer and skill development. Moreover, a course plan should be flexible enough to accommodate diverse learners and unforeseen challenges while maintaining coherence and progression. Regular evaluation and adjustment of the course plan based on feedback and evolving educational trends are crucial for its continual improvement and relevance. Ultimately, a well-designed course plan empowers both instructors and learners by providing a clear roadmap for successful learning outcomes.
2.Course plan format (PG)
Formats for Download (PG)
1.Student Record (pdf)
2.Declaration for Late Submission of Qualifying Examination (pdf)
3.Undertaking from the Students as per the provisions of anti-ragging verdict by the Hon'ble Supreme Court (affidavit by the student) (pdf)
4.Undertaking from the Parent as per the provisions of anti-ragging verdict by the Hon'ble Supreme Court (affidavit by parent_guardian) (pdf)
5.Possession and Use of Powered Vehicle in the Campus (Declaration form) (pdf)
6.Undertaking given by the undersigned M.Tech. student claiming GATE scholarship (pdf)
7.Application for ID Card Correction and Duplicate ID Card (pdf)
8.Account Details for Stipend disbursement (pdf)
9.HTTA Details (for M.Tech.,M.Arch.) (pdf)
10.Absentee Statement (M.Tech.,M.Arch.) (pdf)
11.Circular (1 Class Committee Meeting) (pdf)
12.Minutes (1 Class Committee) (pdf)
13.Circular (2 Class Committee Meeting) (pdf)
14.Minutes (2 Class Committee) (pdf)
15.Circular (3 Class Committee Meeting) (pdf)
16.Minutes (3 Class Committee) (pdf)
17.Attendance requirement_(V Grade) (pdf)
18.Revaluation Marksheet (pdf)
19.Grade sheet (M.Tech., M.Arch., M.Sc., MCA, MBA, MA) (pdf)
20.Application for reassessment (M.Tech., M.Arch., M.Sc., MCA, MBA, MA) (pdf)
21.Gradesheet for Reassessment (M.Tech., M.Arch., M.Sc., MCA, MBA, MA) (pdf)
22.Application for Temporory Course Break of Programme (pdf)
23.Course Discontinuation (pdf)
23.Request for Original Certificates (pdf)
24.Application for Admission Cancellation (pdf)
25.Application for Course Readmission (pdf)
26.Choice of Guide_M. Tech. / M. Arch. / M. Sc. / MCA (pdf)
27.Guide Allotment / Project work (Phase – I and II) (pdf)
28.Project Phase I and Phase III review Marksheet (pdf)
29.Project Phase-I Vivavoce mark sheet (pdf)
30.Panel for External Examiners for the Evaluation of Project (M. Tech. / M. Arch. / M. Sc. / MCA) (pdf)
31.Project Phase II review Marksheet (pdf)
32.Project Phase-II Vivavoce mark sheet (pdf)
33.Permission to carryout the project outside the institute (For M.Tech.) (pdf)
34.Statement of attendance and Performance _Project, Internship-outside the Institute (pdf)
35.Request for financial support for presenting papers in conferences for M.Tech. students (pdf)
36.No dues Certificate (pdf)
37.Application For Transfer Certificate (for M.Tech., M.Sc., MCA, MBA,MA) (pdf)
38.Letter of Authorization (pdf)
39.Affidavit Cum Indemnity Bond (M. Tech.) (pdf)
40.Application for No Objection Certificate (pdf)
41.Request for External Examiner for Mid-Term Evaluation and End-Semester Evaluation (for Architecture only) (pdf)
42.Request for Case Study Visits / Site Study / Documentation (for Architecture only) (pdf)
43.Abstract template_Project_PG (pdf)
44.Requisition for Compensation Assessment (pdf)
45.Medical Leave Requests_Individual (pdf)
46.On Duty (OD) Requests / Individual / Participated in off-campus institute level sports activities / participated in technical events (pdf)
47.On Duty (OD) Requests / as groups / Participated in technical events (pdf)
48.On Duty (OD) Requests / as groups / Participated in off-campus institute-level sports activities (pdf)
49.Form for Reporting Cases Regarding Use of Unfair-Means during assessments (pdf)
50.Minutes_Performance Analysis Committee (PAC) (pdf)
51.Leave Application Form_PG (pdf)
Bill for TA, DA
1.Rates of remuneration, sitting fee, TA and DA (pdf)
2.Bill for TA & DA (For PG) _ BoS, Academic Audit , Project Viva-Voce , Design Review and Others (pdf)
Essential Declarations
1. Certificate of recognition of the institute
2. Migration Certificate
3. Certificate of medium of instruction
4. Certificate of CGPA to percentage conversion
5. Certificate of expected date of graduation
6. Academic Documents in DigiLocker (National Academic Depository) ; Acceptance of Degree, Mark-Sheet and other educational documents presented through the Digilocker platform
7. Letter of Authorization_For Original Certificates Collection
8. Steps to Download – NIT, Tiruchirappalli issued certificates in DigiLocker
Thesis Guidelines
1.Thesis Guidelines
System of Evaluation 
System of Evaluation:
- M. Tech., M. Arch., M. Sc., M.A.
Contact Details
PG Section
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015
Tamil Nadu, India
Telephone : +91 (431) 2503026 (Direct) / +91 (431) 2503915
Fax : +91 (431) 2500133 (O/o the Director)
E-mail :
For other contacts, kindly refer this page.