OBC/PWD/Minority cell
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OBC/PWD and Minorities cell
India pledged to create a socially just and equitable society when it attained independence. Several sections in the Special Provisions of the CONSTITUTION OF INDIA strive to eliminate discrimination and allow members of various groups to participate equally and freely in public life. The Indian Constitution has various specific provisions in favor of OBC/PWD and Minorities.
An Institute of National Importance under the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, NIT Trichy strives to establish an inclusive and unbiased environment for pupils from all backgrounds. To maintain a discrimination-free environment, the OBC/PWD and Minorities cell is responsible for teaching the campus community about the value of equality and diversity. The cell ensures that the reservation regulations of the Government of India are followed for student admissions and staff recruitment at all levels. It gathers information on policy execution, trends, and shifts. NIT Trichy takes any allegations of discrimination, whether they are explicit or subliminal, against OBC/PWD and Minorities students, employees, or faculty very seriously. Several initiatives have been put in place by NIT Trichy to help OBC/PWD and Minorities pupils, including the appointment of a prominent faculty member as Chairman and a Nodal Officer for OBC/PWD and Minorities cell to oversee all cell operations.
Duties and Responsibilities of OBC/PWD and Minorities cell
- All matters related to OBC/PWD and Minorities students and employees of the Institute
- Matters related to the reservation of OBC/PWD and Minorities, as per Government of India norms
- Redressal of complaints related to OBC/PWD and Minorities students and employees
Contact Us
For your queries/complaints
Prof. M.Punniyamoorthi Dr.A.Meenatchi sundaram
Chairman, OBC/PWD and Minorities cell Nodal officer, OBC/PWD and Minorities cell
punniya@nitt.edu meenatchi@nitt.edu
Your feedback is welcome. Please write to: obcminoritycell@nitt.edu
The cell aims to ensure that anti-discrimination laws in the context of caste are followed in letter and in spirit. On grievances (if any), students are encouraged to approach the cell or fill in the enclosed complaint registration form . The cell strives to ensure that anonymity is maintained throughout the investigation .